

There’s more to getting a good deal on a vehicle than negotiating the price. Obtaining an auto loan from San Francisco Federal Credit Union will help you get a great interest rate and save on fees. 预先批准启动贷款申请流程, and there are several important benefits of pre-approved auto loans to consider that could help you save money and time.


When you show a car dealer that you are pre-approved for an auto loan, 它告诉那个人你是一个认真的买家. The dealer may be more willing to help you find the perfect vehicle with pre-approval instead of thinking you are someone who is just window shopping.

Being pre-approved for an auto loan may also help you negotiate a great price. Because your lender has pre-approved you for a certain loan amount, you may be able to use that as a bargaining tool to purchase a more expensive vehicle for a lower price.

A strategy that some car dealers use is to negotiate your monthly payment instead of the vehicle price. This allows them to sell you a more expensive car as long as they can get your monthly payments within a certain amount. 

然而, pre-approval allows you to negotiate the price of the vehicle instead of the monthly payment. 这可以确保你得到最好的交易.


如果你没有获得汽车贷款的预先批准, you may spend a lot of time shopping for vehicles that are outside of your budget. Buying a more expensive vehicle than you can afford could cause financial problems. 如果你拖欠了任何一笔月供, it could also harm your credit score or even result in the repossession of the vehicle.

With auto loan pre-approval, you’ll know the limit on how much you can spend. This will help you buy a vehicle that is within your budget. 它也会帮你节省购物的时间. 通过知道你能花多少钱, you can focus your search on vehicles that you can realistically afford.

Pre-Approved 汽车贷款 Help You Get a Great Interest Rate

If you obtain dealer-arranged financing, you may not get the best interest rate. Comparing lenders’ rates before you start looking for a vehicle allows you to apply for pre-approval with the lender that has the best rate and the lowest fees.

If you go with dealer-arranged financing, however, you may not have the option to compare rates. You may have to go with whatever the dealer offers you.


由经销商安排融资, you may pay more for your auto loan than if you had obtained pre-approval from us. Many dealers either charge a fee for arranging the financing or add a premium to the interest that a lender charges.

If you obtain pre-approval from a San Francisco Federal Credit Union you can avoid these unnecessary charges. This will save you money and also give you peace of mind knowing that you got the best possible deal on your loan.


Some dealers may try to sell you extra things that you don’t want or need when buying a vehicle. 一些常见的追加销售包括:

  • 油漆密封剂
  • 内涂层
  • 轮升级
  • 织物保护
  • 延长保修服务
  • Dealer-added天窗

If you are pre-approved for an auto loan, it may give you an easy way to decline dealer extras. You can simply tell the dealer that the loan amount you are pre-approved for isn’t enough to cover those additional features.


Once you’ve found a vehicle you would like to buy and you’ve negotiated a price with the dealer, you may have to spend additional time at the dealership to arrange financing and complete the paperwork.

If you’re pre-approved for a vehicle loan, you may be able to shorten your time at the dealership. 因为你已经安排了车辆融资, 购买过程更加精简和高效. This helps eliminate a lot of the hassle and stress that many people experience when buying vehicles.


Obtaining pre-approval for an auto loan is a simple process, and San Francisco Federal Credit Union gives you the option of applying in person, 通过电话, 或在线. Our pre-approval offer is good for 60 days (others are only good for 30 days) and the process can be completed in three simple steps:

1. 亲自或网上申请

2. 同意贷款条款和条件

3. Obtain a check from your lender to purchase the vehicle

It’s important to keep in mind that a hard credit check will be done when you apply for an auto loan pre-approval. Hard credit checks are done whenever you apply for loans, credit cards, or other forms of credit. A hard credit check will cause your credit score to dip a small amount, 可能长达12个月.

Soft credit checks, in comparison, don’t affect your credit score. Soft credit checks are done for things that don’t involve obtaining credit. They may be done as part of a background check for a job, 申请租房时, 或者出于其他原因.

申请汽车贷款时预先审批, it’s essential to gather all of the information you’ll need beforehand because this will prevent delays. 您可能需要的资料包括:

  • 社会保险号
  • 你想借多少钱
  • 收入和就业信息
  • 你想贷款多长时间
  • 车辆以旧换新资料(如适用) 


如果你想买车的话, San Francisco Federal Credit Union offers pre-approved auto loans with competitive interest rates, 90天内不付款, 以及长达96个月的灵活贷款期限. You may also be able to finance up to 100% of the purchase price.

Click on the following link to learn more about our auto loans.
